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Unique plants.

Delivered directly to your doorstep.

Jungle Leaves is a team of 3 biologists, that grow, propagate and sell exceptional and unique plants from all over the world, also in cooperation with botanical gardens.

As a long-time collector of plants, you might be familiar with this: At some point your hobby literally grows over your head. That is why in 2019 we decided to expand from our windowsills and turn our hobbies into a business.

The result is this website, where we not only sell many rarities that are not yet available in Europe, but also report in detail on the care, propagation and biology of these plants.

Have fun shopping and browsing.

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Blog Posts

Which plant lamp do I need?

In the last blog post about lighting houseplants, we went through the needs of plants in terms of quality and quantity of light and explained all the necessary terminology. So if lux, yMol/s or light spectra are still a mystery to you, you can read up on the relevant knowledge there. However, as there is often confusion about what can be a good growlight setup in practical scenarios, here are a few more examples. For most people, one of the following 3 situations will apply for which a suitable plant lamp is required: Houseplants at a short distance ~20-80 cm e.g....

Jungle Leaves on YouTube!

We now also have our own channel on YouTube! Here is the first video (English subtitles available): We show our store and take a (short) tour of the greenhouse, during which we show some highlights. From Selaginella sp. 'Borneo', which also adorns the thumbnail, to theMiracle berry (Synsepalum dulcificum) and the small but spectacular Begonia metallicolor, there are some really remarkable plants that you have probably never seen on YouTube before. Have fun watching! Videos will be posted regularly on the channel from now on. Every Sunday there will either be a short plant portrait in which we...

Lighting for houseplants – The complete guide

The second part of this blog series on lighting is all about practical comparisons and examples. Just like us, our plants have certain basic needs that must be met in terms of quality and quantity to enable healthy growth. In addition to the right substrate, moisture and nutrients, this is especially the proper light. Plants are photoautotrophic organisms, i.e. they meet their energy requirements exclusively by capturing light. If there is not enough light, growth stagnates and the plant can survive for a while on stored starch, for example, until it finally starves to death. So we have to...

The secret of the blue leaves – iridescence and structural colors in plants

Blue iridescence in the peacock spikemoss, Selaginella willdenowii. It must have been sometime in the fall of 2014 when I first saw a picture of a Begonia pavonina, the "peacock begonia". It was in a listing on eBay for this plant and, according to the description, it was supposed to "glow at night." If you regularly search for plants on eBay, you surely know the numerous fraudulent offers with laughably badly edited pictures on which all kinds of rainbow-colored or blue plants can be seen. This begonia looked just as fake to me at the time, and then this plant should...

What you can expect

In the future, we will regularly share our experiences in the care of unusual and sometimes tricky tropical plants with you in this blog. In addition, there will be interesting and detailed articles on botanical topics, and of course lots of great pictures. Stay tuned!

Which plant lamp do I need?

In the last blog post about lighting houseplants, we went through the needs of plants in terms of quality and quantity of light and explained all the necessary terminology. So if lux, yMol/s or light spectra are still a mystery to you, you can read up on the relevant knowledge there. However, as there is often confusion about what can be a good growlight setup in practical scenarios, here are a few more examples. For most people, one of the following 3 situations will apply for which a suitable plant lamp is required: Houseplants at a short distance ~20-80 cm e.g....

Jungle Leaves on YouTube!

We now also have our own channel on YouTube! Here is the first video (English subtitles available): We show our store and take a (short) tour of the greenhouse, during which we show some highlights. From Selaginella sp. 'Borneo', which also adorns the thumbnail, to theMiracle berry (Synsepalum dulcificum) and the small but spectacular Begonia metallicolor, there are some really remarkable plants that you have probably never seen on YouTube before. Have fun watching! Videos will be posted regularly on the channel from now on. Every Sunday there will either be a short plant portrait in which we...

Lighting for houseplants – The complete guide

The second part of this blog series on lighting is all about practical comparisons and examples. Just like us, our plants have certain basic needs that must be met in terms of quality and quantity to enable healthy growth. In addition to the right substrate, moisture and nutrients, this is especially the proper light. Plants are photoautotrophic organisms, i.e. they meet their energy requirements exclusively by capturing light. If there is not enough light, growth stagnates and the plant can survive for a while on stored starch, for example, until it finally starves to death. So we have to...

The secret of the blue leaves – iridescence and structural colors in plants

Blue iridescence in the peacock spikemoss, Selaginella willdenowii. It must have been sometime in the fall of 2014 when I first saw a picture of a Begonia pavonina, the "peacock begonia". It was in a listing on eBay for this plant and, according to the description, it was supposed to "glow at night." If you regularly search for plants on eBay, you surely know the numerous fraudulent offers with laughably badly edited pictures on which all kinds of rainbow-colored or blue plants can be seen. This begonia looked just as fake to me at the time, and then this plant should...

What you can expect

In the future, we will regularly share our experiences in the care of unusual and sometimes tricky tropical plants with you in this blog. In addition, there will be interesting and detailed articles on botanical topics, and of course lots of great pictures. Stay tuned!